BE. is all about connecting, so if you have a question about anything you’ve seen on our site; booking a workshop or retreat weekend, collaborating with us, our community or how to get involved, please email us at No question is too big or small. Can’t wait to hear from you!
If you’ve got a story to tell—or something to yell—we want to hear it. Get in touch via, please write your ‘FULL NAME’ in the subject line so we can easily spot you and get back to you as soon as we can.
All contributions must include:
Your ‘FULL NAME’ in the subject line of your email
Full name and contact details (email pref)
Your website links and or socials
Title and 25-word teaser
Hero image 1420px wide landscape
All imagery must be RGB, JPEG, at least 980px wide for landscape (10 images max)
Written pieces max length 800wds
Full credit list where required for video, photography etc
Step 2 Tell us about your work and ensure all guidelines have been met
Step 3 Attach your words, imagery or links and send
If you're looking for our creative team, you can reach them here: